How to install a door deadbolt

How to Install a Door Deadbolt

How to Install a Deadbolt: Door Handle Install Part 2/2

Installation of a Deadbolt

Video transcript of the video showing how install a door deadbolt:

How to Install a Deadbolt: Door Handle Install Part 2/2

"What we have here is an entry-level set and a deadbolt. We have the lever set with a thumb turn and lock. This will obviously go on the outside, this will go on the inside, and locking deadbolt inside and outside. Single-sided so it only takes a key on one side. And we're going to install it in this practice door.

OK, so now we're going to install the deadbolt. Most of them are indicated with a stamp on it telling it which side goes up so that the actuator aligns with where the tail piece is from the deadbolt. This one tells us this side is up. So we'll insert that into the opening. We can see that centered. Depending upon how deep the hole is in the door a lot of these are adjustable. So if that's an adjustable one and you see this is crowded over a little bit you'll want to expand it. If it hits the wood here then it probably needs to be shortened. This one's already preset for the right size. And of course the locking part goes on the outside.

What we're going to do is we know that when the key is turned we want the deadbolt to come this direction. Typically the top of the key way moves in the direction that you want the bolt to go, so in this is instance we want to turn this tail piece as far toward the unlocked position as we can. This is wider than it is tall or taller than it is wide in either case we know it has to go into the actuator with this orientation. So we'll turn it all the way this way and then just back far enough to come through that slot. And we'll take our thumb turn and we'll align it with that actuator. And install the screws."

Watch part 1 of this video to see how to install the door lever handleset.

Need help to help install a door deadbolt? Locksmith Near Me has mobile locksmiths available now to install, repair, rekey or upgrade your door locks. For immediate service or to schedule locksmith service, give us a call now at (844) 234-5400.

How to install a door lever handle

How to Install a Door Lever Handle

Installation of a Door Lever Handle

Video transcript of the video How to Install a Lever Door Handle: Part 1/2:

"What we have here is an entry-level set and a deadbolt. We have the lever set with a thumb turn and lock. This will obviously go on the outside, this will go on the inside and locking deadbolt inside and outside. Single-sided so it only takes a key on one side. And we're going to install it in the practice door.

This is the latch. In this instance we're going to install this as though it's a right-handed door so the door is going to close that way. So this obviously needs to go in this direction so that the door is prevented from opening by this latch on the flat side. So that will go in first. We fasten the latch into the door using the two screws provided.

Now with this half moon shape, in this particular brand, that's going to go inside, this is our lock it lockable side, that's going to go on the outside and this has to match up with the same shape there. And in order to insert that we need to push that slightly inward. Slide it in and then the two fasteners match there.

Then we install the lever. And again, that has a matching half moon on this side to match up with this side and then the little white knob in the center is going to be inserted into this tail piece. And as you can see this is designed with a with a space here that covers the screw hole, so rather than fighting this we're just going to take this off with the provided allen wrench. Take this off for now out of our way. We're going to line this up to where this half moon and that button line up with the tail piece and this actuator here. And now we're going to install the lever and tighten it down with the allen wrench."

Watch part 2 of this video to see installation of the door deadbolt.

Need help to install a door lever handle? Locksmith Near Me locksmiths are available day & night for lock installation, repairs and rekeys for residential and commercial door lock service and maintenance. Call us now at (844) 234-5400.

How to install a garage door slide lock

How to Install a Garage Door Slide Lock

Garage Door Slide Lock Installation

Video transcript of the video How to Install a Garage Door Slide Lock:

"Here we have a couple of common style deadbolts for roll up garage doors. They both function essentially the same in that the latch slides through a hole that is in the rail that the garage door rolls up on, and then you can attach a padlock to secure that so that even if someone pulls the emergency release cord or somehow opens or has access to roll up the door, this physically blocks the door from being able to be rolled up.

The difference between these two is one has levers to actuate it and unlock it, and that can be attached to a cable mechanism or a t-handle on the outside of the garage door that's lockable. This one is simply manually operated both directions to engage or disengage the lock.

These holes have been pre-drilled and I'm also confirming that there's enough room for the bolt to pass through the rail and that there's enough room for the deadbolt to go on. So now we're just going to fasten this in place. Confirm that it works and then we're going to attach an ABUS padlock 83 series that's rekeyable, to a Schlage in this instance, or a Kwikset so that the padlock matches the house key.

Now that's secure. So even if the lock is bypassed or the garage door opener is decoded, this physically prevents the door from being able to roll up. The other feature of this is if someone gains entry to the home by breaking a window or compromising another door, this prevents them from being able to roll up the garage door and haul big stuff out. They have to exit the home the same way they came in."

Click here to watch a video demonstrating how to rekey an ABUS padlock.

Want help installing a garage door slide lock or need the locks on your garage door repaired or rekeyed? Locksmith Near Me is available day & night for garage door lock repair and garage door maintenance and repair. Call now (844) 234-5400.

How to use a lishi lock pick

How to Use A Lishi 2-In-1 Auto Pick & Decoder

Video demonstrating how to pick a car door lock and and decode the lock to make a new key with a lishi.

Video Transcript of How to Use A Lishi 2-In-1 Auto Pick & Decoder:

"This is a Ford door lock. This is a Ford ignition door and trunk two in one pick and we're going to pick this lock and then decode the cuts in the key that would fit this.

So, we can stick that in there, this is our tensioning tool, we'll lift that up out of the way, then we insert the picks all the way to the back. Then we're going to apply tension and then try and find each of these numbers is the wafer location the vertical lines the horizontal lines are the depths of the cut of the key to align those wafers properly in the cylinder to open the lock.

So, now we just this needle here and this needle here are going to indicate if there's a little bit of springiness then we know that that wafer can be moved if there's no springiness then there's either not a wafer there or it's already been picked.

So, it doesn't look like there's a four there we're not getting any springiness there. I'll go to six and we see a little springiness there so we're going to gently push down we got a click. Five. Four. Three. Two, we've got a false set, go back to six. And then we'll decode it. Six looks like a three cut, five looks like a two, four is a three, three is a two cut, two is a two cut, and there's nothing in one.

There we go there's our code. So now we would cut a key to those corresponding depths and it would unlock the door. An ignition has as many as 10 wafers. So we would use six through two that we decoded and then put that into a software program that is subscriber based and then you'll have as many as four or more options as to what those remaining cuts could be to be able to make these existing cuts and the additional three or four cuts correspond to an ignition key that would also turn the ignition. And then the next step after finding that out, is programming the transponder chip in the ignition key to be able to start the car."

Locked out of your car or need new car keys? Locksmith Near Me mobile car locksmiths are available day & night to open locked car doors fast! We can also cut new car keys and program replacement car key fob. For fast and immediate service call (844) 234-5400.

how to rekey a padlock

How to Rekey an ABUS Padlock with Schlage Keyway

Rekey padlock instructional video

Video Transcript of How to Rekey an ABUS 83/45 Padlock with Schlage Keyway:

"So, what we're going to do is rekey an ABUS padlock series 83. Comes in a box like this. This has a couple of features that I'll describe as we go. When you purchase the lock it comes with a one-cut so they're intended to be rekeyed I've already set out the pins that we're going to rekey to this set of precuts.

So, we just simply... first of all open the padlock. This doesn't have the key retaining feature with that cut, so now we're just going to remove the Phillips screw that holds the cylinder core in place with a screwdriver down the shackle hole. That comes out once that's unscrewed the cylinder comes out. Now there's another piece inside and as the screw comes out you'll notice if you can see inside there there's another piece inside that actuator called a Z-bar we're gonna see if we can knock out. Pull it out with tweezers and I'll show you what that looks like. That's this little guy right there and that is the key retaining feature.

If we don't want the key, once we pinned this up with longer pins than the stock cut, this will keep the key in the lock when it's unlocked. So, we'll set that aside right here for now. Now that we have the cylinder out we will use this tool to remove this clip.

I also noticed that this has a detent. What that does is it only enables the cylinder to turn that far. Okay so we need to press that in in order to remove the cylinder. You also saw this come out when I removed that clip, this is the actuator, there's two different lengths on the backside. The shorter side here rides against this detent pin, so when you replace that make sure that this in indented part is on the same side as the detention pin. So, we'll set that aside.

Then we'll put the key in and we'll use the follower and simultaneously we'll press down the detent and remove the core. The detent pin does not come back out it's got a keeper in there. So, these are all of our one cuts from the factory so we're just gonna dump those out and now we'll pin this up for this key and I've already laid the pins out there so we'll drop these in.

Now you can see the cylinder will accommodate six pins, we're only using a five pin key so we won't put anything there, however, after the fact if you want to add a sixth pin this comes with this

kit which adds another top spring, another driver spring, and a plate to cover the top spring so you don't have to remove the whole cylinder if you want to add a sixth pin to key that."

So, now that we've got this pinned up and lined up, well, flush, confirmed all the pins are there we'll put this back in. And again, we have to be mindful that we have a detent there. So, there's probably a better tool than a fingernail but that works. So, now that's in place. Now if we were going to add a sixth pin to this after the fact, this hole right here is where you would put your top, you'd drop your key pin in there then you drive our pin and you can see that's a spool security pin and the spring. And then this little plate slides in right there to keep your spring down so you can add a sixth one without having to remove the cylinder.

Also, by the way, there are spool and serrated driver pins in this lock from the factory so there's already an added layer of security in these against picking. So now that we confirm that this works, our detent is there, our cylinder is not going to come out, we can pull the key out and then we're going to our actuator making sure that the cut out part is on top of the detent. Then we'll add our clip back in. And this little notch here goes into the bottom of the key way and it holds our actuator in place so it has to be centered when you put that back on.

Then here's our Z-bar, now you'll notice on one side it's solid on the other side there's a black dot. When you want the key active the key retaining feature activated this needs to be in place but it also needs to be in place with that black dot showing.

There we go. Now we're gonna put the key in there just in case we have to turn that a bit in order to get it to seat back in there.

Okay hear that click that's all the way seated you can see the cylinder face is flush with the lock body and then we'll drop our screw down in there. And now you can already see the key retaining feature is in place because I cannot turn this back horizontal to where the pins come out of the Bible into the cylinder and be able to remove that key. So that confirms that the key retaining feature is in place. The advantage of this feature is that if someone has a lock that they don't want floating around in the unlocked position or they've got multiple padlocks that are keyed differently they're not fumbling around for the right key when they want to go back and lock it they can't lock this into place unless they have the key with them so the key retaining feature adds another level of valuable features. If you don't want that done so this won't come out unless it's locked that's the key retaining feature. To disable that all we would have had to have done is leave that Z clip off the actuator still opens the lock and then the key is removable.

There you go."

Watch video showing how to add or remove the z-bar retainer on an ABUS padlock.

Need to rekley a padlock or other door lock? Locksmith Near Me technicians are available now for lock rekey, lock installation and repairs. Available day & night so call us now at (844) 234-5400.


How to add remove padlock key retainer

How to remove the Z-bar retainer on an ABUS padlock with a Schlage key.

Add or remove padlock retainer

Video transcript of How to Add or Remove the Z-bar Key Retainer on an ABUS Padlock

In the video above we show you how to easily remove or add the z-bar key retainer. The retainer prevents you from removing the key from the padlock when the shackle is in the open position. This can prevent you from accidentally leaving it unlocked or locking the key inside whatever you are securing.

"We're going to go over how to eliminate the key retaining feature on this ABUS padlock that's keyed to a Schlege key. Right now, the way the lock functions works, you put the key in when it's unlocked. You can't turn the key back and remove it. That's a key retaining feature. So, the way that we eliminate that feature. Open the lock with the key. Take a Phillips screw driver. Remove the core and there's a little Z-bar in the bottom of the actuator well. I'll knock it out of there and you can see. This is the little Z-bar that is in there that's what retains the key. Without that we put the lock back together secure the core back in the lock remove the key insert the key unlock it and we can remove the key and lock it without the key. If we want to reinstate that feature, then we simply remove the core. Make sure that this little black dot is showing. That side goes up. And this goes in that little notch in the middle of the actuator. Then we slide the core back in. You may need to turn the key to seat that properly. You hear that click. Our screw is still in the shackle hole. Secure that then we can remove the key. See the key unlock it but it won't turn back to the home position and be able to be removed unless it's locked again, and it snaps back into that position.

And you're done."

Watch the video showing how to rekey a padlock.







open locked safe

Safe Cracking, Maintenance and Repair | Open Locked Safes Fast

Locked out of your safe or cash drop box? Business can’t wait! Locksmith Near Me technicians are available day & night for emergency lockout service for buildings, offices, vehicles, safes and more Nationwide. We can open your locked safe and get you back up and running. Available 24/7 Call Now (844) 2234-5400.

How to Open Locked Safe?

Locked out? Set the safe timer lock wrong and can’t wait? Forgot the combination to the safe or need to know how to open the safe without the key or code? Locksmith Near Me safe-cracking techs have the tools and experience to open a locked safe. Depending on the type, make and model of your safe, we can get your safe open usually workout damage to your safe or with minimally invasive methods that can then be repaired so your can be put back into complete working order. We can drill a safe, open a safe combination lock, electronic keypad lock and unlock a safe without a key or code. If you forgot how to open your safe, give us a call day & night.

Safe & Cash Drop Box Repair

Is a broken locking mechanism on your safe preventing it from being opened or securely closed? Is your safe combination dial sticking or the safe electronic keypad stopped working? Safes may have delicate locking components that can become damaged and broken through regular use. Our locksmith safe technicians can repair and replace worn out dials, gears and components to get your safe back into proper working condition.

Safe Maintenance & Upgrades

Preventive maintenance on your safe can save you valuable time and money! Like any equipment, regular maintenance can help prevent costly repairs. We will inspect the safe, lubricate moving parts and replace worn out components to keep your safe functioning properly. Also, depending on the type, make and model of  safe, we may be able to upgrade the safe's locking mechanism to a more secure system. Call us to find out if we can upgrade your old safe combination spin dial with an easier to use electronic keypad.

open locked truck door

How to Open a Locked Vehicle Door (or how NOT to open!)

Locked out of car or truck? Frustrating! Your first impulse may be to break a window or get a crowbar (or pickaxe)! Or you could try the old wire coat hanger method (if you can still find one!) The problem is that doing it yourself, either out of frustration or by trying to save a few bucks, rather than calling a professional can end up damaging your vehicle and costing a lot more money in the long run. You can do something as simple as destroying the rubber sealing around your door or window or scratching the paint which may lead to peeling and rust. You could also do more damage by breaking your locks or window motor which will lead to costly repairs.

So how do the professionals do it?

The most common method to opening locked car doors is called the wedge and reach. These tools, consisting of small airbags and a bendable pole, are the quickest and easiest way to open a locked vehicle door. Airbags are placed in the car door frame, slowly inflated just enough to create a small gap in which the “reacher” tool can be inserted and unlock the door (similar to the old wire coat hanger method.) This method is quick n’ easy and provides the least chance of damaging the vehicle. Care does need to be taken especially on vehicles with frame-less windows as inflating the airbags too much and break the window.

The next method, although not used as often anymore, is the old slim jim. This is the method you see in all the movies and cop TV shows. The slim jim is a long flat piece of metal with a notch at the end that is slid down into the door frame by the window, jiggled around and “pop” the lock opens. There are a few issues with this method and why it’s not used as often… it just doesn’t work on a lot of new car models, you can damage the door lock and window electronics and motors, and also you can damage airbags that are in many doors of newer cars.

The last method is another one that you’ve see in the movies and that is a “jiggler.” You’ve see it in a TV show where a car thief goes up to a car and he has a ring with lot’s of keys on it and he just starts trying each one and jiggling it until he find one that opens the door. Well these jigglers are just generic “keys” for specific makes and models of vehicles. The same types of cars will usually have similar locks and if you try enough standard options and jiggle them around, especially on worn out locks you just may be able to get it open. Way back in the day when I locked myself out of my Chevy Camaro I was able to open my locked door with the keys from my friends Pontiac Firebird because the locks were similar and had been worn down just enough. But, jigglers won’t work in most newer models of vehicles do to better locks, precision laser cut keys and keys with transponder computer chips.

So what are you going to do the next time you’re locked out of your car? Hint: Don’t use a pickaxe! I recommend call a professional! The cost to open a locked car door can vary depending on time of day, availability, and the specific make and model of your vehicle. But give us a call day & night for a quote and ask if we have any special offers!

Door Handle Install, Lock Repair and Rekey

Installation of New Door Handle & Lock Hardware

Locksmith Near Me in Tucson provides professional service for the installation, service and repair of door handles, knobs and locks for home and business. Our mobile locksmith technicians can professionally repair and rekey the locks and deadbolts on your home or upgrade your home security to the latest home security technology with keyless entry systems that use keypads and Bluetooth technology that enables you to control and manage your home locks and security remotely.

For businesses we can service, replace or upgrade your emergency door exits, install high-security locks, rekey existing office locks and create master key systems for your entire building.

Home Door Lock Handle Install

All the different doors in your home require different kinds of levers and knobs with their own specific locking options. From outdoor hardware that can have keyed handlesets, keypads and deadbolts to indoor bedroom and bathroom knobs that can be either keyed or have a push or turn button for locking.

Along with the myriad of different door knobs, levers and locks to choose from also comes the expertise and tools to install them properly. Wood doors and metal doors may require different tools. From drills and chisels to measuring tapes to power screw drivers. The correct tool and knowledge is required for a professional installation.

Door knob handle install Tucson

Door handle and lock installation

Residential Locks

  • Deadbolts
  • Door knobs
  • Lever handles
  • Handlesets
  • Kyepads
  • Connected devices
  • Touchscreen locks
  • Bluetooth-enables locks
  • Child proof locks
  • Gate locks
  • Mailbox locks
  • Cabinet locks
  • Garage locks
  • Bedroom locks
  • Bathroom locks

Commercial Locks

  • Keyless entry
  • Magnetic locks
  • Restricted key systems
  • Door closers
  • Master key system
  • Exit devices
  • Emergency exit locks
  • Push-bar handle locks
  • Crash-bar door handles
  • Cam locks
  • Mortise locks
  • Rim locks
  • Interchangeable core cylinders
  • Furniture locks

Best Lock Brands

  • Schlage
  • Kwikset
  • Baldwin
  • Yale
  • Mul-T-Lock
  • Medeco
  • Master Lock
  • Corbin Russwin
  • Arrow
  • Sargent
  • Kaba Ilco
  • Chubb
  • Weiser Lock
  • LiftMaster
  • ASSA
Automotive Locksmith Near Me

Key Cutting New & Duplicate Keys

Locksmith Near Me provides fast and convenient mobile key cutting service. Our mobile technicians carry key cutting machines that can accurately create new car keys and house keys. We also have the equipment and experience to program your transponder “chip” keys and program keyless FOBs.

Lost your car keys or broke your key in a door lock? Don’t get stranded, don’t pay to have your car towed, and don't pay high dealership key making costs! Locksmith Near Me is available day & night and can provide fast emergency locksmith service. If you’ve been locked out of your car, call us now!

Tucson Mobile Locksmith Services

  • Available 24/7
  • Make a new key without a key
  • Make a car key copy or duplication
  • Make high-security car keys
  • Make and program transponder keys
  • Make keyless entry keys
  • Make new smart keys
  • Laser cut keys
  • Program and make transponder keys
  • Chip keys programmed on-site
  • FOB and remotes programmed
  • VATS keys
Make Car Keys Tucson